F. Cody Casterline

Cell: +1 (512) 560-9868


With years of technology experience across various industries, I have a breadth of knowledge that can help teams weigh options when solving problems. I have "full stack" experience, from bare metal to distributed cloud infrastructures, from scripting languages to compiled languages, from back-end to front, and I enjoy helping teams learn new technologies, or improving their use of existing ones.


Rust TypeScript JavaScript Deno Python Kotlin Java Go (Golang) Bash Code Review Performance Optimization API Design Technical Documentation AWS SQS Kubernetes (K8s) Docker Terraform Helm Package Management Dependency Management Open Source Encryption API Design REST OpenAPI (Swagger) GraphQL gRPC Protocol Buffers (Protobuf) Relational Databases (RDBMS) SQL PostgreSQL SQLite MySQL ORB (Object/Relational Bridge) Elasticsearch Source Control Git GitHub CI/CD Continuous Integration Continuous Deployment Automated Testing Distributed Systems


Founding Platform Engineer, April 2023 - April 2024
Govyrl, Inc. AKA: Carro
Senior Software Engineer, Sep. 2021 - April 2023
Software Engineer Team Lead, Oct. 2020 - Dec. 2020
Senior Software Engineer, May 2019 - Sep. 2020
WP Engine
Senior Software Engineer, February 2014 - May 2019
SmartBear Software
Software Engineer, November 2009 - February 2014
The New York Times
Senior Software Engineer, September 2008 - August 2009
Pervasive Software
Engineering Consultant, March 2008 - August 2008 Fusion Learning Systems
Engineer, September 2006 - October 2007 Tocquigny Advertising, Interactive + Marketing, Austin, Texas
Interactive Developer, March 2003 - March 2005
Senior Interactive Developer, April 2005 - February 2006 Interactive Ensemble, Austin, Texas
Web Programmer, May 2000 - March 2003